杜甫是一位唐代著名诗人。和李白一样, 他也经常被称为中国最伟大的诗人。他最大的理想是做一名成功的官员,以报效国家。许多文学评论家认为杜甫的作品位列中国有史以来最伟大的作品。杜甫生前和死后不久,他的作品并没有受到大众的推崇,这归因于他的文体和形式上的创新。他是唯一一个影响力随着时间而增长的中国诗人。他的作品在9世纪开始流行。大学英语四级翻译范文: Du Fu was a prominent Chinese poet of the Tang Dynasty. Along with Li Bai, he is frequently called the greatest of the Chinese poets. His greatest ambition was to serve his country as a successful civil servant. Du Fu's writings are considered by many literary critics to be among the greatest of all time in China. In his lifetime and immediately following his death, Du Fu's works were not greatly appreciated. In part this can be attributed to his stylistic and formal innovation. He is the only Chinese poet whose influence grew with time, and his works began to increase in popularity in the ninth century.大学英语四级翻译分享20级教育学院学生稿件评分:8分评阅:这位同学的翻译看起来就有点小头痛和小混乱了,不过你不要泄气,其他同学也不要笑。毕竟不少同学也会犯类似的错误,不然我们老师也不会挑选这篇作为示范了。下面我们具体说说:1. 总体上来看,这位同学翻译的时候好像没有严格按照中文的套路走,这一点和第二篇刘洋同学形成了鲜明差别。这种情况出现一般有两种原因:一是表达能力有限,不能依据中文来表达,只好用简单的口头英语来表达;二是主观愿望很好,想有一些新奇的表达,但却忽略了语法正确性。而我感觉这位同学两种情况都有,但第一种居多。比如第一种情况 (For his biggest ideal, 这是典型的口头语言; he could return our country, he怎么能和our搭配?return是回来,至少也要用 reward. devote ...to...也忘了吗?shortly after his death 被翻译成 when he died before long,这样念起来也不顺口啊。)当然第二种情况也有: (比如: 1) like Li Bai 翻译成 second to LiBai; 2) Du Fu’s works were not greatly appreciated 翻译成 his works wasn’t agreeable in the public, 其实她的这个翻译方式也有点个性,但如果能将agreeable变成 popular就可以接受了。)2. 基于以上两种原因,这个同学的译文不可避免的会出现很多语法错误, 很多表达就和原文有很多出入。尤其是在写从句的时候更容易犯错。如:1) critics considered Du Fu’s poems belonging to the most excellent works ever created. 至少应该改为:critics considered that Du Fu’s poems belonged to the most excellent works ever created in the history. 2) concerning 应该改为because of. 3) while the time going on 就直接说成 with the time going on.3. 表达和逻辑当然不是很通顺,但总体上还是能看懂。因为这个学生一直很努力的在想表达出自己的意思,所以改卷老师还是能体会到她的一番苦心的。8份也算是一个及格档了。加油,继续努力!最后,给部分翻译功底不深的同学提两个小建议:1)平时多积累单词和短语表达,而且一定弄清楚他们的正确用法;不然就会要么没词用;要么用错了。2)笔头翻译还是要尽量书面语一点,不要出现笔译不够,口语来凑的局面。评阅人:大学英语教学部 余志华老师19级管理学院学生稿件